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Drupal – Integration Description

This integration allows you to sync data between your Drupal content management software and your Omeda audience database. There are three levels that this integration can cover, that build on each other:

  1. Omeda Module (basic) – this Drupal integration allows you to connect to the Omeda API and allows you to configure basic settings between the two systems.

  2. Omeda Subscriptions Module – This second module allows you to push subscription data such as opt ins/outs from Drupal back to the Omeda audience database. This also creates a new tab within your Drupal account for further customization based on users and roles.

  3. Omeda Customers Module – The most comprehensive level of integration enables Drupal’s user data to be synced with Omeda using the Store Customer and Order API. This integration allows for enhanced field mapping to ensure data is synced and organized to your needs.

For more information regarding this integration, setup or advanced configuration, please visit the module pages provided by Drupal here: Omeda, Omeda Subscriptions, Omeda Customers.

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