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Email – Opt-Out Footer Merge Variable

In Email Builder, you’ll need to add the footer text within the message content, or you can setup & add the footer content via Email Builder (Omail) > Tools > Opt-out Settings

It can be setup at the organization/database level or deployment type level.

Select Opt-out footer (HTML) and add the footer text within the Opt-out Link Asset box. Save.

HTML footer verbiage must be coded in HTML.  We cannot store Unicode characters, only ASCII text is permitted.


Then, code in the opt-out footer merge variable @{optoutfooterhtml}@ in the html or text content to automatically merge in the saved footer content.



  1. The standard merge variable for the opt out footer: @{optoutfooterhtml}@ & @{optoutfootertext}@ need to be properly coded in the message body. Users still need to format the footer text — adding style, align, color attributes as needed.

  2. The link within footer merge variable, including the Form Builder/dragon preference center link, will not be tracked in Email Builder.

  3. Unfortunately, it is currently not set up to support Unicode characters. The HTML code entered in box must be fully ASCII text.

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