Issue Builder
Issue Builder
Issue Builder is a tool located within Audience Builder that allows a user to build their issue list through additions and subtractions (adds and kills). This tool can be found under the “More” dropdown within the top menu of Audience Builder.

Creating a New Build
Once an issue close starts, users can navigate to Issue Builder to begin building their audience list by clicking the “New” option from the menu dropdown. This will open a new modal where the user will define either Builder Name, Product, Issue, Mailing (if applicable) and Target Active Qualified Count.
Builder Name - Create a name for your build.
Product - Select your product from the dropdown list.
Issue - Select the issue number from the dropdown list. This list will only display active issue closes.
Mailing (if applicable) - Select the mailing number you wish to build your audience list for. By default, this will prepopulate to Mailing 1.
Target Active Qualified Count - Enter the target qualified quantity for your audience list. This number will appear in the top ribbon, helping you track how many additional adds or kills are required to reach your goal.

Once the “Save” button is clicked, it will create and take the user to the new issue build.
Opening an Existing Issue Build
Users can search for open issue build by clicking the “Open” option from the menu dropdown. Within this modal, users will be able to search and filter results based on the Build Name, Product, Issue, Created By user, and Last Updated. Users can also toggle on the “Show All Builds” feature which will display all active as well as all previously completed builds. From the far right Actions column, users can Open, Delete, Copy, or Preview a build.

Working in Issue Builder
Once a user starts or opens an “open” status build, they are redirected to the Issue Builder tool within Audience Builder. Here, they can begin or continue compiling their issue list. The top ribbon of Issue Builder (Issue Stats) displays the counts of your issue build. These counts are categorized into six sets, each representing copies rather than individual records.
Print - The number of active print version subscription copies
Digital - The number of active digital version subscription copies
Both - The number of active both version subscription copies
Selected - The sum of active print, digital, and both version subscription copies
Remaining - The different between the Selected count and Qual Target count
Qual Target - The target active qualified count that was set when the issue build was created

Preview Rules
From the ribbon, users can also access Preview Rules. These rules are queries created and saved within Issue Builder, designed to adjust your issue build counts and help you reach your target active qualified count. Clicking the Preview Rules link opens a modal that displays all the rules currently applied to the issue build the user is working on. Using the Actions column, users can Review, Copy, or Delete any saved rules in their build.
Review - Displays the rule selections makeup
Copy - Clones and opens the rule to continue to build your issue list
Delete - Deletes the rule from the issue build
Within this modal, users can also approve their issue builds (see Approving an Issue Build section below).
Creating Rules
In Issue Builder, associated product fields from the Modeling environment are highlighted in green for easy identification. Users can utilize these fields, along with additional query fields, to create rules for adds and kills. Once a query is complete, clicking the Save button opens the Save Rule modal. In this modal, users are required to define a Rule Name and assign the Class where the records will be moved. Additionally, users have the option to add a Keyword, adjust the Audit Type and/or Active Version, or perform an Nth Select on their query. Please note, if no Audit Type or Active Version is selected, the records will retain their current values for those fields.
After the rule is saved, Issue Builder will automatically refresh the Issue Stats ribbon to display the updated counts based on the newly applied rule.

Approving an Issue Build
Once the add and kill rules are saved and the user reaches their target active qualified count, it’s time to approve the issue build. Approving finalizes the build and sends it to the issue close team for application to the open issue close.

To approve a build, a user clicks the Preview Rules button and within this modal, clicks the Approve button. After approval, a confirmation email will be sent, verifying the build has been successfully approved.

Exiting Issue Builder
At any time, a user can exit issue builder and return to Audience Builder by clicking on the Issue Builder top menu dropdown and selecting the Exit option.

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