brandAbbreviation is the abbreviation for the brand textOrHtml valid values are “text” or “html” and determine whether the API returns the text version of the deployment content or the html version of the deployment content. trackingNumber is the tracking number for the omail deployment. splitSequence is the split sequence of the omail deployment. If the deployment has multiple splits, you would pass ‘1’ to see split 1’s content, etc.
HTTP Headers
The HTTP header must contain the following elements: x-omeda-appid a unique id provided to you by Omeda to access your data. The request will fail without a valid id.
Content Type
The content type is text/html.
Supported HTTP Methods
There is one HTTP method supported: GET See W3C’s GET specs for details.
Example URL to retrieve the html content from split 1 of omail deployment ACME190211008: