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Form Builder Forms URL Structure and Appending Parameters

Form Builder URLS with parameters attached should follow the format shown below. That is, it should begin with the base Form Builder form URL, include a ? before the first parameter, and an & before each additional parameter.


  • Light Blue: Form Builder form URL

  • Red: the ? indicates the beginning of a query string. This must always be used if you want to append parameters.

  • Green: indicates the various parameters appended to the URL. Examples would be pk=promokey,, r=encrypted_customer_id, etc.

  • Purple: the & indicates that an additional parameter is being added to the URL

In most cases, you should use the live URL in the format shown above. However, there are some instances where the publisher has been using the longer form of the Form Builder form URL shown below. In this case, the form context has been included as the first parameter following the ? query indicator. In this case, add the next parameter with an &.

Formats of your Form Builder URL:

Longer Version (adding the bolded part to the URL):

Common Standard Parameters to Use:

em=       Email Address

r=            Encrypted Customer ID (this r is case sensitive, other parameters are not case sensitive)

pk=        Promo Code

ln=          Last Name

an=        Postal ID (the postal ID tied to that product)

Examples of How to Format Your URLs with the Parameters

New Paid form (where the promo code is “newoffer”):


Renewal form:{encrypted_customer_id}@&pk=@{promo_code}@


Email Builder Merge Variables:

When you are using the Email Builder Merge Variable Tags, they will show up in the Message Content pleat (see example from a paid renewal effort where Promo Code is part of the file and you pull it as a merge variable and not a constant){encrypted_customer_id}@&pk=@{notice_promo_code}@

From Message Content pleat of the available Merge Variables:


Since the Omeda web forms use the encrypted_customer_id merge variable, all seeds and testers should have one on file.

You can locate the encrypted_customer_id via Audience Search.

To add or update the encrypted_customer_id or other merge variable values to a seed/test record,  navigate to Email Builder >Tools >Deployment Defaults. All your seed/test records are accessible/editable on the left side in the Contacts list. You can locate the seed/test record and add the Variable name and value as needed.


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