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Form Builder’s New User Interface – What’s New?

Have you been anticipating the debut of Form Builder’s brand new user interface? Not only have we given this product a complete makeover to enhance the overall user experience with smoother interactions, but we’ve also introduced a slew of fantastic new features that will make your form-building journey more enjoyable. Get ready to explore an upgraded interface, coupled with exciting functionalities that aim to make your form-building process even more efficient and user-friendly.

Take a look below at some of the key updates we have implemented.

Form Tags


Use tags to categorize your forms in whichever way makes the most sense for you and your organization. These tags can act as an additional filter, helping you organize and find your forms quickly.

Form Designer


Introducing the new Style tab! Use this tab for a quick preview of your form or leverage the new design choices to effortlessly enhance its appearance.

Form Templates


The Template flag enables you to specify which forms are designated as templates, simplifying the process for other users to locate and duplicate them. By choosing “Template” in the Status filter on the Dashboard, you can streamline the list of forms to show only templates, making it convenient for users to locate and access them promptly.

Global Search in Builder


Forget where your content lives? The new Global Search will search through all sections, finding your content quickly.

Archive Multiple Forms at Once


A clutter-free form list enhances accessibility, making it easier to locate and manage forms. The multi-select tool found on the dashboard allows users to quickly remove outdated or unnecessary forms, ensuring your form list remains clean and up-to-date.

Lock Forms


If you want to make sure no changes, purposeful or accidental, are made to your form, use the new Lock from Editing option in the Settings tab. This new setting will disable the save and publish button, ensuring no changes will be made.

Clone Content


Create content faster than ever before! With the new Clone option found in Content, you can create new content from an existing piece of content with just a single click.

Other Updates

Dashboard / Form List

  • Ability to Navigate to Settings page from Action menu

  • New filters / folders


  • New forms are created with a unique URL that can be updated

  • Content can now be edited in the right panel, keeping the form contents in view.

  • Elements do not have to be dragged into a trash can to delete. Simply select the trash icon on the element to delete.

  • New icons on elements to show if they are conditionally displayed, conditionally required, or passalong. Hover over the conditional display icon to quickly see what the condition is.

  • Left panel has been reorganized in more clear sections.

  • Ability to edit shared content by clicking the edit button in the element. No need to search for that content in the left panel or in content to edit.

  • When testing your form using a test link, the form will display a “For Testing Purposes Only” banner at the top of the form, minimizing the chance a test form will be used with a live audience.

  • After publishing your form, a modal will pop up in the builder with the live link for easy copying and pasting.


  • Content is no longer broken out by product level making it easier to find your content.

  • Export URLs have been renamed “Integrations” and broken out by type making it easier to create and find the type of integration you’re looking for.

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