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Production Schedule Submission Guide

To start, please complete the following:

When submitting your Production Schedule, please provide the following key dates and information for all magazine products that require an issue close at Omeda. And in order to streamline the process, please be sure to avoid holidays and weekends when providing the dates:

  • Issue close date – This is the date you would like to see the preliminary reports for the issue.

  • Issue counts due – This is the date you would like to see your mail counts for the issue/print order due date. Depending on the nature of the product, you may need to allow for time between ‘issue close date’ and ‘issue counts due’ to make any sort of add/kill activity based upon the preliminary reports

  • Files due at Printer

  • Type of Issue – For audited brands, please indicate which issues are the audit or interim issues

  • Request Participants – Please indicate the team members from your organization that should be included on the issue close tickets to receive notifications of changes, updates, and comments.

We will use this schedule to plan out our issue close dates and begin to fill out the internal schedules for the production team.

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