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Release Notes for Apr 29 | V22.6

Audience Builder

Cross-Hatch Report Distinct Email Update

The logic used to calculate the Distinct Email count in the Audience Builder Cross-Hatch Report has been updated to reflect the same data that is returned when the Distinct Email feature is used in the Audience Builder canvas.


Tax Exempt Number Available for Output

The Tax Exempt Field will now be available for Output. This field will need to be configured into the Output Field Library to be utilized.


Prioritization for Consolidated Demos

The Consolidated Demo logic historically has been used to assign consolidated responses based on the most recent response from the subscriber. This can result in undesirable responses overwriting the Preferred response. With this enhancement the mapping can be created to designate a Preferred response and a calendar range of 1, 2 or 3 years. Once set, if a new demographic response is recorded, the consolidated response will not be updated unless the the demo date is older than the calendar date range selected.

Web Services / API

Designation Type and Deployment Type Name Now Available in Email Opt In/Out Lookup API

The Email Opt In/Out Lookup API can now return the Designation Type and Deployment Type Name fields for a given Email.

New API Available: Email Validity Lookup by Email API

If using a 3rd party vendor to validate email addresses, the Email Validity Lookup by Email API can return the vendor’s codes to confirm the validity of an email address. For a given email, the API will return:
– Vendor Name
– Vendor Code
– Vendor Code Description
– Validation Date

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