Audience Builder to Ignore Archived and Flagged Form Builder Sites
The logic for Audience Builder has been updated to omit Form Builder sites that have been archived or flagged to be hidden. A new checkbox, “Show in Audience Builder” can be found on the setup page of a form and defaulted to checked. When unchecked, the form will be hidden in Audience Builder.
Gift Order Output
A new option called “Gift Orders” has been added to the Output UI. With this new feature, users now have the ability to generate files containing donor data for Gift orders directly in the file output – in just one step.
Data Loader
Ability to Pause a Processing File
With the addition of the new Pause action, any files that are actively processing can now be paused if needed. Once paused, the user will have the ability to resume processing when ready. The file will resume processing where it left off when it was initially paused.
This can be useful in several cases, including when you are processing a very large file and need to pause it in order to process a smaller file first.
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