Deleting a query from Audience Builder that is currently sending can create calamity and heartache for the users. To avoid this, dependencies have been added for Odyssey Voyages to prevent users from deleting a query this is part of a Voyage with the following statuses: On Hold, Done, Cancelled, Error, Scheduled or In Progress.
Allow Edit Query Name from Audience Builder Screen
Users can now update the name of a saved query directly in the Audience Builder Canvas instead of having to navigate to the Manage Queries UI.
A new Icon to edit a query name directly in the Audience Builder Canvas will now be available.
Update Demographic Value 98 to Allow OEC to be ON or OFF
Functionality has been added to allow OEC for defaulted Other response to be turned off when setting up a demographic. Response will read and capture as “Other” when turned off.
Roundrect Links to be Tracked
Roundrect links found in the MSO comment version of buttons will now be tracked. Previously, these links were not tracked because they didn’t appear in the standard HTML.
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