The Omeda platform navigation menu has a new look and feel to support the ongoing release of Omeda’s new UI/UX. This is the first step in the rollout of upgrades across the platform, all designed to create an inviting, user-friendly and high-performing environment for our clients. Functionality remains the same, but users will notice the following changes:
The main menu will now expand from the left side of the page.
Sub-menus will move to the right side to accommodate the change to the main menu.
Support and resource options will now be easily accessible from the new Help Center in the navigation menu.
Audience Builder
Email Created Date
The date an Email address first entered a database will now be able to be queried and output with the Email Created Date field.
Data Loader
Improved Performance on Webhook and FTP Site Search Pages
Users will see improved load times when viewing or searching FTP and Webhook Search Pages.
Ability to Cancel an Uploading or Processing File
With the addition of the new Cancel action, any files that are actively uploading or processing can now be cancelled if needed.
Table of Contents
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