Updated View of Behavior Tags Within Audience Search We’ve updated the display of Behavior Tags in Audience Search. Tags will now show grouped with other tags that have the same customer_behavior_visit_id which indicates that they were a part of the same transactions. The background color for these groupings will alternate to help with identifying these groupings.
CDP (Olytics, Personalization, Metering)
Updated WYSIWYG Editor in Personalizations and Metering To keep consistent across the platform, we have updated the WYSIWYG Editor in Personalizations and Metering to the same WYSIWYG Editor users see in Email Builder, Form Builder, and Odyssey.
Add List of IPs to Meters Instead of adding one at a time, upload a file or paste in multiple IPs to your meter.
Enable Tag-Based Filtering Algorithm for Content Recommendations Introducing a new Content Recommendations algorithm, Tag-Based Filtering. This algorithm uses semantic similarities between the Olytics tags found on pages within a behavior to identify the pages an audience member might like based on the tags on pages they’ve previously visited.
Content Recommendations users can choose the previous algorithm, Collaborative Filtering, or Tag-Based Filtering for each behavior. Recommendations will be updated nightly. If an audience member does not have enough behaviors to generate recommendations, they will be shown the top recommended pages.
Client Empowerment
Add Behaviors to a Profile When Creating or Editing In Manage Database, users with access can now select which profiles the behavior should be available in.
Add Alternate Ids to a Profile In Manage Database, users with access can now select which profiles the behavior should be available in.
Calculated Demographics Now Available on Demographics Page Calculated Demographics are now available to view, edit, and create in the Demographics section of Manage Database. Calculated Demographics are demographics which count or add or sort the values of other demographics.
Manage API Keys Users with access can now view, create, or edit the API keys used to integrate with their database.
Data Loader
Data Loader Webhook Skittle Query records that came from a specific Data Loader webhook in Audience Builder.
Form Builder
Add reCAPTCHA to Payment Forms Payment forms can now include reCAPTCHA to prevent possible bot attacks.
Notices (Invoices/Renewals/Auto Renewals)
Updated Notice Promo Codes to Use Optional Auto-Renewal We’ve updated Notices so that the promo codes they produce now have the Auto-Renewal Code of Optional Auto-Renewal by default. Previously they were created with the No Auto-Renewal code.
Updated Notice Setup Product Dropdown The product dropdown under Notice Setups has been updated to only display magazine products.
Get Started with SMS
With this release, SMS users can start preparing for SMS sending by creating their toll free phone numbers, verifying the use cases for those numbers, collecting opt ins on their Form Builder forms, collecting or migrating preferences using data loader, and updating their forms to begin collecting country calling code.
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