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March 15, 2024

Email Builder

Content Recommendations in Email Builder

In Email Builder, Content Recommendations users with access will now be able to create deployments that contain Content Recommendations. Users will be able to select the domain for the recommendations, specify whether they will include images in their recommendations, and the number of recommendations they will include in their email.

In the Email Builder Message Content pleat, merge variables will be available in the WYSIWYG and the Designer for the Link Name, Link URL, Link Description, and Image URL. Those merge variables can be inserted into the content and, when the email is sent the personalized content recommendations for each recipient will be populated in the content. Like with Content Recommendations in Personalization, if the recipient does not have enough behaviors to make a recommendation, links will be populated from the most frequently recommended links across all audience members.


CDP (Olytics, Personalization, Metering)

New Content Recommendations Inclusion Model

With this enhancement, Content Recommendations users can now specify one or more strings that must be included in a page’s URL for the page to be recommended. For example, a Content Recommendation behavior can be configured so that only pages with “article” in the URL are considered by the recommendation algorithm. Inclusions can work in combination with page exclusion settings. Content Recommendations configurations that do not use inclusion strings will include all pages that are not excluded.


Form Builder

View More by Expanding/Collapsing Panels in Builder

While working in the builder, you now have the ability to expand or collapse the panels. Collapse both panels to have more room to work in the canvas. Expand the right panel to view more while making edits.


Additional Form Builder Themes

More Themes have been added to the Theme gallery for users to select from when creating a form.


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