Tax Exempt Number Search Field in Audience Builder
Users may need to isolate records in Audience Builder by the Tax Exempt Number. This new field will need to be configured into the Audience Library and will be a text search field.
Lead Scoring Output
Lead Scoring results will now be available to be output through Audience Builder. Each Lead Scoring job can be configured into the Output Library. Once configured, the Score (number value) and/or Score description the record received can be output in their own fields. The field headers will Display the Lead Scoring Job Name to allow the user to determine which Lead Scoring Job is being output, when multiple Lead Scores are present.
Campaign / Event Tool
Excel Output Lead Gen
Lead Gen can now output files in Excel format, allowing more automation options for users.
Prioritization for Consolidated Demos
The Consolidated Demo logic is currently set to assign consolidated responses based on the most recent response from the subscriber. This can result in undesirable responses overwriting the Preferred response. With this enhancement the mapping can be created to designate a Preferred response and a calendar range of 1, 2 or 3 years. Once set, if a new demographic response is recorded, the consolidated response will not be updated unless the demo date is older than the date range selected.
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