Canceled Orders Omitted from Output in Audience Builder
A new option will be available for outputting orders that will allow the user to output all orders except canceled orders. If the order has been canceled (and refunded), it would not be output for the customer.
CDP (Olytics, Personalization, Metering)
Increased Metering Reauthorization Period Options
Meters using the authorization flag to allow users to bypass can now have a reauthorization period of up to one year.
Update to Use CDN for Olytics Javascript and CSS
Olytics javascript and css files have been updated to use a CDN when loading. This will improve page load performance as well as SEO for pages that use Olytics.
Email Builder
Message Size Limit of 300kb Set for Odyssey Emails
Email messages that are more than 300kb will now be prevented from sending via the APIs and Odyssey.
Email Message Size Warning for Emails Over 102kb
Email messages that are over 102kb will now show a warning informing users that messages of this size will be clipped by email clients like gmail.
Table of Contents
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