For many of Omeda’s clients, displaying Omeda webforms within the structure of your website serves to improve the user experience while keeping subscribers where you’d like them – on your website. This is typically done by iframing a Form Builder form, but because the domain of your site and the domain of the form are different, this can cause conflicts when passing data between your site and the form due to the Same-Origin Policy. To enable the flow of information between your site and the form, you can work with Omeda to set up a custom domain for your Form Builder forms.
To set up a custom domain for your Form Builder webforms, you will need to do the following:
You must purchase or have purchased a wildcard SSL order for your domain. Omeda already uses , so if you are able to purchase your order there, that should make it easier for us to access in step 3.
When that is complete, create a Jira ticket with the component “Misc” for Omeda to add your new domain as its own certification under the existing parent wildcard. In order to do this, you will need to give us the rights to download the certification. This will be done by our network team.
Create a new Jira ticket with the component “Web Forms” for Omeda to make the domain available when setting up your forms. This is not necessary for both versions of the form to work, but will help to identify the new domain in the future for both Omeda and the client. Note: this is not a redirect. Both versions of the url will continue to point to the form. You will need to update references to the old url within your iframe elements for the origin to be the same for your site and the form.
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