Activate Authentication
This API provides the ability to activate a user’s status code for the customer id and namespace.
Prior to using the Authentication APIs a Password Policy and Authentication Namespace must be setup. Please contact your Account Representative to start the setup process.
Base Resource URI
For Production, use:{brandAbbreviation}/authentication/activate/*
For Testing, use:{brandAbbreviation}/authentication/activate/*
brandAbbreviationis the abbreviation for the brand to which the data is being posted.
Technical Requirements
The HTTP header must contain the following elements: x-omeda-appid a unique id provided to you by Omeda to access your data. The request will fail without a valid id.content-typea content type supported by this resource. See Supported Content Types for more details.
Supported HTTP Methods
There is one HTTP method supported:PUTSee W3C’s PUT specs for details.
Field Definition
The following tables describe the data elements that can be included in the PUT method to store authentication data in the database. All fields are required
Authentication Elements
Attribute Name | Description |
Omeda Customer Id | the internal id of the customer. |
Status Code | the status code value is either 1 or 2. |
ExternalCustomerIdNamespace | the namespace associated with the authentication instance. |
Request Examples
JSON Example
Error Response
In the event of an error, an error response will be returned. This will result in an HTTP Status 400 Bad Request/404 Not Found/405 Method Not Allowed.
Potential errors:
OmedaCustomerId not found
Omeda Customer is not active
Username is required
Username cannot be blank
Password is required
Password cannot be blank
Customer already has a Username
Customer {customerId} is not a member of this brand.
ExternalCustomerIdNamespace not found
Error Occurred. Multiple External Customer Namespaces found.
Username {userName} is already in use.
Password Policy not found for Brand.
Multiple Password Policies found.
Password does not meet minimum length requirement.
Password exceeds maximum length requirement.
Password can only consist of alphanumeric characters or ~!@#$%^&*()_-+=?.<>
Failed to process password.
There was a problem saving the password.
A failed POST submission error codes:
Status | Description |
400 Bad Request | Typically, this error occurs when the request does not follow the specifications. |
403 Forbidden | Typically, this error occurs when the credentials are erroneous. Potentially, an incorrect x-omeda-appid. |
404 Not Found | Typically, this error occurs with a malformed URL or the resource that is searched for is not found. |
405 Method Not Allowed | Typically, this error occurs when the resource accessed is not allowed by the HTTP Method utilized. Make sure you employ the correct HTTP Method (POST) for this request. |
500 Internal Server Error | In the rare case that there is a server-side problem, this response will be returned. This generally indicates a problem of a more serious nature, and submitting additional requests may not be advisable. Please contact your Omeda Account Representative if the issue continues. |
This is not an exhaustive list of errors, but common ones. If an error occurs repeatedly, please contact your Omeda representative.
JSON Example
"Error":"OmedaCustomerId not found"
"Error":"There was a problem saving the account."
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