The Campaigns dashboard is located in the navigation menu under the "Manage" section. Here, you can navigate using the tabs on the top of the page to access various features such as existing Promo Codes, Scheduled Outputs, and more. Additionally, you have the option to swiftly create new items by utilizing the quick create functionality to directly access the creation wizard.
Omeda’s Campaign Tool application enables our users to manage the following:
Promo Codes : Create Promo Codes, assign products and pricing details, and edit existing Promo Codes. Learn more about Promo Codes here.
Scheduled Outputs : Create recurring output events to send audience members in a query to an email address, SFTP site, or Amazon S3 bucket. Learn more about Scheduled Outputs here.
Lead Scoring : Define your own lead scoring model by assigning points and descriptions for attributes or actions taken by an audience member. Learn more about Lead Scoring here.