SHA-256 hashing encrypts data into a secure, unreadable format. This is done by applying a cryptographic function to transform each email address into a unique, irreversible string, ensuring enhanced security while maintaining data utility.
Omeda will now automatically generate SHA-256 hashed versions of the email addresses in a database through a nightly process. Using hashed email addresses allows clients to securely share user data with third parties or match data across systems without exposing raw email addresses.
To use this feature:
Go to the Audience Builder Configuration tool.
Under the Outputs section, navigate to the Email Fields folder within Customer Contact Fields.
Select “Hashed Email Address (SHA-256)” and add it to your configured fields.
Authorized users can now view the settings for all Magazine products in their database by clicking the Manage Database link under their name in the top right corner of the platform and navigating to Products.
Available information includes:
Number of Issues per Year
Audit Definitions like Bureau, Month, and Verification Cycle
Payment Details like the Issue Earning time, Expire handling, and payment options
Related Demographics
Merge settings
and more!
For questions about access to Product Settings, please contact your Client Success Manager.
Global Navigation
Profile Permissions Available in Manage Users
Profile permissions have been added to the 'Manage Users' UI. To modify profile access, authorized users should navigate to the 'Profiles' tab within the specific user's settings.
For questions about access, clients should reach out to their Client Success Manager.
Table of Contents
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