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Personalization – FAQs

Is there a limit to how many people I can target with a single personalization?

The maximum amount of people you can target in a query for a personalization job is 250,000.

If I don’t set any audience who will see the message?

If there is no target audience chosen, the personalization will fire for every visitor who comes to your website – both anonymous and known.

What happens when a visitor falls into multiple personalization jobs?

For visitors targeted by multiple personalization jobs, one will fire every 20 minutes in order of priority (and frequency) unless you have custom timing set up in Global Settings.

Note: Each personalization type has its own priority ranking; it is possible for someone to see the standard message when they first visit your website and then receive a different type of personalization (e.g. scroll trigger or exit intent) less than 20 minutes later unless otherwise set up under Global Settings.

For detailed steps on setting priorities, check out #14 on Standard Setup. For directions on using the Global Settings, check out Global Settings.

Why don’t I see an option to exclude a query?

In order to see the exclude option, you must first save the personalization with a selected audience from Audience Builder. Once it has been saved, the “Exclude this Audience” checkbox will appear.

I set up my personalization to only target anonymous visitors, why are known people showing up in reports?

If an anonymous visitor provides demographic information that matches a known visitor in the database, their activity will also become known. This leads to ‘known’ visitors showing up on reports for personalization jobs that are targeted at anonymous visitors.

How do I target a specific URL for my personalization?

Underneath the WYSIWYG editor, you’ll see the option to ‘Restrict by URL or Entry Point’. Click the “Set Restrictions” button right beside this. Within this box, you can ‘Target Content to Specific URL(s)’. Enter the desired URLs (comma separated) and then click ‘Save’ to apply.

For detailed steps and screenshots, check out #11 on Standard Setup

How do I exclude sections of my site from having the personalization appear?

Underneath the WYSIWYG editor, you’ll see the option to ‘Restrict by URL or Entry Point’. Click the “Set Restrictions” button right beside this. A popup will appear that allows you to exclude specific URL(s) (in the 2nd line of this popup). You can exclude multiple URLs, so long as they are each separated by a comma. Click ‘Save’ to apply changes.

Common page exclusions include: login page, subscription page, advertising-related pages, and password reset page.

For detailed steps and screenshots, check out #11 on Standard Setup.

If I don’t set any URL target where does my personalization fire?

If you do not target a specific URL, the personalization job(s) will fire for anyone who meets the target audience criteria on all your websites that have the Omeda CDP script.

What does the ‘URL Parameter(s) Target’ do?

The URL parameters will target the personalization to appear on any page that includes the parameter(s) you set*. This was designed to be used for UTM tags (anything after the ? in the URL) and DOES NOT function as the place to put the target URL for your website domain.

*If you have excluded certain URLs, they will not fire a personalization, even if the UTM tags on the page(s) are a match.

If I don’t set a start time, when will the personalization start?

The personalization will start at 12:01am on the ‘start day’. If you do not have a start day or time set, the personalization job will begin immediately.

If I don’t set an end time, when will the personalization end?

The personalization will end at 12:01am on the ‘end date’ that you have set. If no end date is set, the personalization job will run until you pause it.

Can I set a start time, but not an end time (and vice versa)?

Yes, you can choose to start or end a personalization at a certain time and leave the other part empty. The other part will then start/end at 12:01am on the designated day (or when you activate/pause the job)

What do each of the Merge Variables do?

There are olytics merge variables you can put into URLs that allow you to pass cookies and URLs and there are merge variables you can use to personalize content for known visitors.

For a detailed overview, check out Personalization – Merge Variables

How can I set a Default Merge Variable?

Locate ‘Merge Variable Defaults’ under the WYSIWYG editor and click “Set Defaults”. A popup will appear where you can put your default text for your variables.

For examples and screenshots, check out #12 on Standard Setup.

If someone signs up for something through a personalization, will they see that same personalization again?

So long as your forms are passing the correct information and identifying the visitor, they will not receive the same personalization again (unless they clear their cookies and come back after 20 minutes).

How do I test with a Customer ID?

Go to Audience Search and select a visitor who you are going to target with your personalization. Copy their Customer ID. Back in Personalization, click the ‘Test with Customer ID’ button and paste the ID into the box. Click “Test” to display the personalization.

How do I test a personalization job on mobile?

The personalization jobs are responsive and should render nicely on mobile devices. In order to test, use the ‘Save and Test on my Site’ button to generate a temporary link that you can open on your phone/mobile device to check how the personalization will render.

Note: Form Builder (Dragon) forms are mobile responsive, however if you iframe a form in a personalization job, it may lose its mobile responsiveness.  For forms that are iframed, we suggest you “exclude mobile” from the effort.  Mobile users can be targeted with a separate personalization that includes a button that will take the visitor to the form instead.

Why does my personalization job look ‘too big’ for my mobile screen?

The size of an image, button and text will all impact the size of the personalization job. If your modal appears ‘too big’ for the screen and requires visitors to scroll up/down/sideways’ to read everything or close out, consider paring down the content or resizing the items displayed. You can also use the target/exclude mobile options in order to improve how things render.

Can I use a scroll trigger personalization on an infinite scroll page?

Yes, while infinite pages may give the appearance of not scrolling, you’ll see the scroll bar on the right move down as you go down the page. Depending on what technology you’re using to achieve the infinite scroll affect, there will be some variation of what the page will consider 25, 50, 80%, etc..

If you want to run a scroll trigger personalization on a site with infinite scroll pages, make sure you use the “Save and Test on my Site” button to check that the scroll trigger fires the way you expect.

For more information check out Scroll Trigger & Infinite Scroll Pages.

How do I set up click tracking for a personalization job?

There are 4 ways that you can set up click tracking within a personalization.

  1. The “Generate Personalization” will provide you with a template that you can fill out

  2. The “Tracked Link” feature allows you to insert a link into your Personalization message with the HTML code for that link already wrapped with code that will track clicks for you

  3. There are a number of personalization HTML templates that you can copy/paste into the source code of a personalization job with the HTML code already wrapped around the link placeholders.

  4. You can manually add the olytics click-tracking code.

How Can I set up Click Tracking for a form that I have iFramed in my personalization job?

If you are iFraming a form, you are not able to set up click tracking within the personalization job (since the form isn’t in the personalization job, it is merely ‘framed’). You will want to make sure the form has a unique promo code attached to it so that you can track conversions.

Is there a report for who saw a personalization and if they clicked?

Yes, you can view reports for each personalization job from the priority list or you can search for the impression and clicks for your personalization jobs within Audience Builder.

NOTE: In order to track the clicks within a personalization, you will need to ensure that you have click-tracking set up correctly.

For more details on all of the reports available in Personalization, visit Personalization Reporting. For an instructional video on using Audience Builder, click here

Why doesn’t my Personalization Report impression count match my impression count in Audience Builder?

The impression count provided in the personalization report displays the gross count for each personalization job. If a visitor sees the personalization several times, each time is counted.

In Audience Builder, the impression count is unique, so each visitor who sees the personalization is only counted once.

Do I need to create a GDPR personalization for each brand or can I create just one?

It depends. If you have a generic, non-branded GDPR message, you can create a single GDPR personalization and not set a target URL. This will cause the message to appear across all of your domains for anyone who meets the target audience criteria.

If your message is branded, you will need to set one up for each of your brands and target each URL accordingly.

For more detailed setup instructions, check out our GDPR Setup

What are the different ways I can optimize my Personalization campaign?

There are many ways in which you can optimize your Personalization campaign to enhance performance.

  • Adjust your Audience – Target a more broad or specific audience. Hyper targeting ideas: target repeat website visitors or use contextual data such as categories and tags. Broad targeting ideas: target all anonymous or all known.

  • Adjust your Display Frequency – Consider increasing or decreasing the display frequency. You can also use the Skip After tool which allows you to limit the number of interaction for a customer within a set period of time.

  • Change the Presentation – Make changes to where the personalization is appearing on your website page. Here is more information on the different types of presentations options.

  • Adjust Wait Time – Consider increasing or decreasing the wait time in which a standard pesonalization type will display.

  • Change Personalization Type – Consider using Standard, Inline, Exit Intent or Scroll Trigger personalization types. These different options will help improve a web visitor’s experience.

  • Review Priority Order – Consider reviewing and adjusting the order of importance of personalization jobs based on business goals. If you have a customer in multiple personalization jobs, that’s when priority can make a difference.

  • Button vs. iframe – Consider changing the strategy of how your collecting the data.

    • A button will take the subscriber off your website page and to a web form. Advantage of this is that you will be able to collect more information up front. Disadvantage is your taking website visitor away from your page. Also, risking abandonment with asking too many questions up front.

    • An iframe will collect information within the personalization modal itself. Advantage of this is you’ll keep the website visitor on your page. Disadvantage is you will need to limit how many fields you can collect in the modal.

  • Change Lead Magnet – Consider changing up your “lead magnet” offering to see what generates the most conversions. A few ideas are newsletter/magazine offers, whitepaper/ebook downloads, webinar/event registration, advertiser sponsored content and surveys. 

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